Elden Ring Nightreign Network Test Codes Are Already Being Sold On Ebay


  • Confirmation emails for Elden Ring Nightreign’s Network Test are sent out, and scalpers have already pounced after getting a whiff of money to be made.
  • Despite not even having codes in hand, listings for Network Test codes have already popped up on Ebay, with starting bids at £30 and Buy It Now prices in the hundreds.

Elden Ring Nightreign is easily one of this year’s most highly-anticipated titles for many people, as there will be millions of Elden Ring fans itching to get their hands on FromSoftware’s strange little experiment. We don’t have a release date for the game just yet, but FromSoftware is thankfully giving fans the chance to try it out early, with a Network Test similar to that which took place before the release of Elden Ring.

Emails are currently being sent out to determine who will and won’t get to participate in the Network Test on February 11 next month, as the test has limited space. However, just like everything that has a limited quantity, scalpers have descended upon Elden Ring Nightreign to try and make a quick buck.

Elden Ring Nightreign Network Test Codes Are Already Being Sold On Ebay

Elden Ring Nightreign test code ebay listings

Despite not even having codes in hand, several listings for Network Test codes have popped up on Ebay since FromSoftware began sending out confirmation emails. I have personally managed to find three listings, each one using a screenshot of the confirmation email as the featured image, and each one listed for ridiculous prices.


Elden Ring Nightreign Includes A Few Dark Souls Bosses

The Nameless King is a gimme, but did you spot the other two?

There are two more modest listings that have set the starting bid at £30, coupled with ridiculous Buy it Now prices in the hundreds of pounds, while another Ebay user reckons their code is worth a straight $210. Those are the only listings that I’ve been able to spot so far, so at least it’s not a widespread problem, but it’s incredible to see people trying their luck regardless.

It should probably go without saying that you shouldn’t buy these, even if you’re an Elden Ring mega-fan and are missing out on the Network Test. There are no guarantees that these Ebay users even actually have the confirmation in question, and we know that the game is launching in 2025 anyway, so you have a maximum of 9 months to wait for the full thing. So tough it out Tarnished, you’ve suffered through worse.






From Software

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