Fantasian Neo Dimension Gets New Update


  • Fantasian Neo Dimension’s recent update added camera and movement control improvements for players.
  • The update also introduced custom difficulty sliders for New Game+ replays, enhancing the gaming experience.
  • Despite previous retirement statements, Sakaguchi plans to create a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy 6.

On January 30, Fantasian Neo Dimension released a minor game update across all available platforms that granted new options for players to use during gameplay. Though no new content was included in the latest Fantasian Neo Dimension patch, players now have improved camera and movement controls alongside custom difficulty sliders for New Game+ replays.

Originally released on the Apple Arcade subscription service in 2021, Fantasian was developed by Final Fantasy series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi via his independent studio, Mistwalker. Fantasian was originally released in two parts on Apple’s subscription service. In 2024, Sakaguchi collaborated with Square Enix’s Creative Studio 3 to bring Fantasian to more platforms, with Fantasian Neo Dimension being the complete edition of Mistwalker’s project. As a result of this collaboration, Fantasian Neo Dimension players can select Final Fantasy battle tracks to use in-game as they see fit.


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Over a month after Fantastian Neo Dimension was released, Square Enix gave players a minor update to download. Although no new content for Fantasian Neo Dimension was included in the late January update, players will notice a few new options are available. The update adjusted analog stick movement controls and gave players a new camera interpolation slider in the settings menu. Dubbed the “Camera Interpolation Time” option, this new setting allows Fantasian Neo Dimension players to adjust the camera’s speed when moving through the game’s open field areas, with 1.00 being the default position. Players who use a controller will also have the option to either disable the vibration or only leave it enabled during specific battles and events. Some bugs specific to the PS5 version of Fantasian Neo Dimension were also addressed, including some that crashed the game or caused the controller to stop taking inputs under certain conditions.

Finally, more options were added to give players more control over New Game+ mode. These options include sliders for enemy power and speed, alongside the option to scale New Game+ difficulty by replay count. Alternatively, a New Game+ run can be fixed to have enemies be as difficult as a first or second playthrough, which could help or hinder players. At the time of writing, it is unknown what effect the Fantasian Neo Dimension update’s New Game+ changes will have on earning specific Trophies and Achievements.

Although Sakaguchi previously stated he would retire following the launch of Fantasian Neo Dimension, the Mistwalker lead is looking to make a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy 6 as one of his final major projects. Only time will tell if Square Enix will also be involved.

Fantasian Neo Dimension Patch Notes (January 30, 2025)

We have released a patch update to provide a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. This update includes improvements to camera adjustment and controls, and a new feature related to difficulty settings.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Steam


  • Adjustments to movement control with the analogue stick when the camera shifts during field movement.
  • “Vibration” option has been added to settings, allowing controller vibration settings to be changed.
  • “Camera Interpolation Time” option has been added to settings, allowing the speed at which the camera rotates when moving through the field to be adjusted.
  • For a second or subsequent playthrough, “Custom Difficulty” can now be selected from the difficulty options.
  • The length of time required to press and hold down the “Fast Forward” or “Skip” button has been reduced.

Bug Fixes

The following issues have been fixed (PlayStation 5 version).

  • When certain conditions were met, the controller would sometimes stop accepting input.
  • When certain conditions were met, the game would sometimes close without warning.
Fantasian Neo Dimension Tag Page Cover Art


December 5, 2024


Everyone 10+ // Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco

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