- Marvel Rivals fans have been sharing the characters they hate coming up againt the most, with Spider-Man the clear favorite.
- Wolverine is also mentioned a few times thanks to his ability to shred tanks, while Scarlet Witch, Squirrel Girl, Moon Knight, and Groot are also top picks.
Marvel Rivals is an amazing game when you’re winning, but can be abysmal when you’re getting rocked. Every now and then, you’ll come up against an average team with one better than average player that’s sweeping up the kills or dishing out heals, and depending on which character they are, it can ruin your entire mood. As a Mantis main, hello Black Panther.
Fans have been sharing the characters they personally despise coming up against the most on the Marvel Rivals subreddit, whether it be due to horrific matchups between their mains and another character, or just characters that constantly make a nuisance of themselves regardless of the outcome. A Reddit user called Tacomant76 kicks things off by going for Scarlet Witch.
Marvel Rivals Fans Share The Characters They Hate Playing Against
It’s a solid pick, but not a character that most people seem to have trouble with. The same can’t be said about Spider-Man though, who is picked by multiple people as one of the biggest pains in the neck you could possibly come up against, especially if they’re good too. A user called Penguino_2099 says that they “turn into J. Jonah Jameson” every time there’s a good Spider-Man on the enemy team.
Other players like Bslayer67 recall getting irritated while pushing as a tank, only to turn around and find that “the spider menace has already backed my healers into Narnia”. Another user called MrWideside also goes for Spider-Man, but also hates that whenever he has a Spider-Man as an ally, they always “ask for heals while swinging around like a madman”.

I’m Only Playing Jeff In Marvel Rivals
He’s just a little guy.
Moving away from Spider-Man, a lot of the tank mains also seem to really hate playing against a good Wolverine player. Users Siahgoneloxo and Daznox both pick the Canadian as their biggest nemesis, with the latter calling him “legit the most unfun thing in this game.” Other complaints about him include tanks having “no counterplay” to deal with him, as well as his ability to just pick them up and seemingly take them wherever he pleases.
Squirrel Girl and Moon Knight are also quite popular picks, both of which can just stand in one spot and fire into clumps of people to get kills easily, with the latter’s ultimate in desperate need of a nerf. Groot is also mentioned, more for how he can annoy his own team members rather than for anything else, while Iron Fist’s ridiculous movement also gets a mention. For me, if you main a diver, you may as well be dead to me.