Marvel Rivals Player Uses Sun To Make Doctor Strange Portals Unstoppable


  • One Marvel Rival player found an interesting way to mess with the opposing team by using Doctor Strange’s portal ability.
  • The user placed their portal in the sun, blinding the entire enemy team.
  • While some players have asked for Doctor Strange’s portal ability to be nerfed, there has been no statement from NetEase.

Doctor Stange’s portal ability has been the subject of many hilarious Marvel Rivals clips and one player found yet another way to gain a leg up on the competition. Marvel Rivals players are currently enjoying Season 1 of the game, which is adding The Fantastic Four to the roster. Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman are already playable, while Human Torch and The Thing are due to arrive in a few weeks. Season 1 also brought a new map based in New York City, and added new event quests that seem to be a hit for fans.

Representing one of 34 Marvel Rivals heroes players can choose from, Doctor Strange and his portal ability have been making waves online ever since the game’s release in December. What was surely conceived as a quick way to transport teammates across the map or to get into a flanking position has turned into a tool of deception and trickery that would make Loki proud. Doctor Strange players began placing their portals in front of enemy spawn rooms, with the exit portal facing off a ledge, sometimes sending entire teams plummeting to their deaths at the start of a match.


These Are the Marvel Rivals Season 1 Win Rates So Far

The competitive win rates for all of Marvel Rivals’ 35 heroes thus far in Season 1 have been unveiled, as well as each hero’s pick rate.

Now it seems like one Doctor Strange player has found another way to mess with their opponents as they defend a capture point in Wakanda. TikTok user genshinimpact2932 posted a clip of an opposing Doctor Strange who placed their portal in the sun, blinding the entire enemy team. All that can be seen from the player’s perspective when peeking at the capture point is a giant white light, though some of the enemy team’s health bars are still visible.

Doctor Strange Player Uses Portal to Blind Enemy Team

The clip, while sporting an impressive 1.8 million views on TikTok, is from the perspective of Stange’s opponent, so viewers can’t see exactly how the Doctor Strange player got their portal in the sun or how long it took to place it there. Nevertheless, players will undoubtedly try to replicate the trick anyway after seeing the clip. Thankfully, Doctor Strange’s portals close after 20 seconds and the ability itself has an extremely long cooldown of over two minutes, so all opposing players need to do is wait around for 20 seconds for the ability to end, making the exploit not that much of a game-changer unless time is running out.

Some Marvel Rivals players have been calling for developer NetEase to nerf Strange’s portal ability so that he can’t pull off wily tricks like this. However, it doesn’t seem like the developers are interested in adjusting the portal. NetEase’s stance on not implementing a role queue gives the impression that the team believes silly exploits like Strange’s portal tricks are all part of the fun of Marvel Rivals. With that said, NetEase has rolled out some balance changes to heroes as part of Season 1, so it may tweak Strange’s portals in the future.

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