Marvel Rivals Players Share Their Most Controversial Opinions


  • Marvel Rivals has been an absolute juggernaut (no pun intended) of a hit since its launch in December.
  • The game shows no signs of stopping anytime soon, and taking to Reddit, some brave fans shared their most controversial takes when it comes to the live-service game.
  • Some of these takes had agreement, while others were definitely blasted.

Since its release at the tail end of last year, Marvel Rivals has been something of a revelation in the free-to-play live-service genre. It’s set and smashed its own record when it comes to concurrent players, with 644,269 users playing at once on Steam alone. It’s also inspired fans to take on some zany challenges, including this player who made it to Celestial having dealt only 22 damage points.


I’m Only Playing Jeff In Marvel Rivals

He’s just a little guy.

In turn, developer NetEase has promised a new character every month and a half, and has already begun making good on those promises with the launch of the Fantastic Four. Elsewhere, the developer has also added an abundance of costumes, including some themed around the MCU, while also partnering with real-life comic book movies to offer fans some unique rewards.

That said, while the game is booming, there’s always bound to be a hot take. And so, taking to Reddit’s Marvel Rivals subreddit, fans were given a safe space to share their most controversial opinions.

No Judgment Here

Right off the rip, one gamer wrote “Healers aren’t saints and can be just as bad as DPS and Tanks just as often.” That take alone has garnered well over 1,000 upvotes, with many agreeing. “My main gripe with as many support players in this game is they just spam heal tanks and never look outside their very tiny cone of view,” one player wrote in response.

Elsewhere, another Rivals enthusiast took aim at Iron Fist. “I don’t care if Iron Fist is a low tier character or not. It makes absolutely 0 sense that he can fly at the speed Star Lord/ Iron Man does,” they wrote. Ouch, for those who love Iron Fist.

Another fan used their hot take to discuss the game’s skins. “The character skins that completely change characters into unrecognizable characters are more of a detriment to the game than a benefit,” they wrote in part. “In less than a year, you (or a Marvel fan not playing the game) won’t be able to recognize any of the characters.”

For that particular take, it appears they’re pointing out the Lunar New Year skins. They’re not wrong, either, as the proliferation of skins is something Call of Duty fans are dealing with.

Rounding out the number of takes, of which there are thousands, is this simple reminder: “Every character is good, how you play the character is what matters.” That’s not so much a scorcher as it is a good thing to remember, particularly as the game continues to expand. However, for those looking for a good insight into the game’s player base, the whole thread is worth a gander.


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