Nintendo Postpones Public Sale Plans For The Alarmo In Japan

Key Takeaways

  • Nintendo has postponed plans to put its Alarmo clock on general sale in Japan.
  • So many people want the clock that there’s not enough stock to go ahead with Nintendo’s original plan.
  • Public sales were supposed to begin in early 2025 but it is now unknown when the clock will be readily available.

Nintendo has confirmed it is working on a new console and will officially tell us more about it before the end of March 2025. Until then, it has been distracting us with all sorts of weird, Switch-adjacent stuff including its Alarmo clock. Something you might have laughed at, and then scoffed at when you saw the price, initially, but the gimmick product is so popular in Japan that Nintendo has had to postpone plans to put it on general sale.

The Alarmo went on sale in Japan in October but has been limited to those who have an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Even that wasn’t enough to help supply meet demand as Nintendo also introduced a lottery system for its novelty clock. Now, as reported by VGC, it has needed to go one step further and announced its plans for the Alarmo to go on general sale in Nintnedo’s homeland have been postponed.


Nintendo Alarmo Review: Link Has Been Watching Me Sleep And I Love It

I’ve spent the last week with Nintendo’s fancy new clock, and now I get to tell you all about it.

The idea was that those who desperately wanted the Alarmo right out the gate would have picked up the clock by now, meaning it could start becoming readily available to anyone online and perhaps in physical stores too. That has not been the case. Despite the $100 price tag, the Alarmo is still in such high demand that Nintendo will not be putting the clock on public sale, at least not yet.

Japan Has Postponed Plans To Put The Alarmo On General Sale In Japan

We Might Know About The Switch 2 By The Time It’s Readily Available

nintendo alarmo clock
via Nintendo

Nintendo was initially going to begin general sales of the Alarmo in Japan in early 2025. Now that a postponement of that plan has been announced, there’s currently no firm date for when the NSO restrictions will be lifted and anyone can buy the clock. While it’s unclear if Japan will roll this postponement out to the rest of the world, it is clear the Alarmo’s popularity isn’t restricted to just Japan.

Despite people pointing and laughing and others labeling it a blatant way to distract us from a lack of Switch 2 news, the Alarmo is currently sold out in the US with no indication of when it will be back in stock. If the clock isn’t going to be readily available in Japan until later in 2025, it seems likely the same will apply to stock in the US. If you were planning on picking one up as a holiday gift, you might want to make other plans.

Nintendo has also launched a music app as well as an alarm clock to appease people while it prepares its Switch 2 reveal. Nintendo Music is loaded with soundtracks from throughout Nintendo history and anyone with an NSO subscription can use it. Nintendo has been adding new music to the app every week since its launch.

Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo

Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo

Nintendo’s Alarmo is an alarm clock that tracks your movement while you sleep. You can choose from five games from which the clock will play music and sound effects, with each game having seven scenes to choose from. The Alarmo’s alarm will get more intense if you don’t get out of bed, and then stop automatically once you do get up.

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