[Nintendo Switch] GoobnBalloonsDX Review | PS4Blog.net

GoobnBalloonsDX from Nejcraft and IconicArts is a colorful arcade-style experience on Nintendo Switch. Learn more in our GoobnBalloonsDX review!

GoobnBalloonsDX from Nejcraft and IconicArts is a colorful arcade-style experience on Nintendo Switch. As you take on increasingly intense hordes of balloons as Goobert, you’ll have to do whatever it takes to save your friends. You can play either through Story Mode – which serves as the main attraction – or Arcade Mode, where you’ll have to take on an endless barrage of balloons as you aim to boost your score as much as possible.

You’ll control your character with the left analog stick or the D-Pad as you shoot at the balloons by aiming and attacking using the right analog stick. You can also shoot around you using the A, B, X, and Y buttons. You’ll be timed, so you’ll have to pop all balloons in each level as fast as possible. Oh, and you can change Goobert’s color by pressing the – button!

This one features an in-game achievement system for you to work on. Some of the objectives that you’ll need to complete include popping 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 balloons, unlocking each area in the game, getting a score of 100,000 points in each area, and unlocking every accessory, to name some examples.

GoobnBalloonsDX is a colorful arcade-style experience on Nintendo Switch. As you take on increasingly intense hordes of balloons as Goobert, you’ll have to do whatever it takes to save your friends. You can play either through Story Mode – which serves as the main attraction – or Arcade Mode, where you’ll have to take on an endless barrage of balloons as you aim to boost your score as much as possible. GoobnBalloonsDX is out on Nintendo Switch with a $9.99 price tag.

This GoobnBalloonsDX review is based on a Nintendo Switch copy provided by Nejcraft.

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