MainFrames from The Arcade Crew and Assoupi is a charming 2D platformer set within the windows and desktop of a PC monitor. Check out our MainFrames review!
MainFrames from The Arcade Crew and Assoupi is a charming 2D platformer set within the windows and desktop of a PC monitor. You’ll be taking on the role of Floppy, a program that wants to find its place in this digital world. One day, while you were chilling inside your floppy disk home, the world around you started to shrink. It seems that the window that contained you was minimized, which sends you flying into the desktop! You must now find a way to explore all areas and find a purpose in your new life.
The game will teach you the basics after you land on your first window. Once you jump into action, you’ll be controlling Floppy with the left analog stick or the D-Pad. Floppy can jump as you press the B button. Press it again while jumping to perform a spin. You’ll be able to affect the windows on the screen by using a cursor. You can switch between windows by pressing the L, ZL, R, and ZR buttons as needed. Use the right analog stick to move the selected window up, down, left, or right.
New elements will be introduced at a steady pace. Along with being able to use the cursor to move around some of the windows, you’ll also be able to activate a key to open doors. You’ll have to perform some very tight wall jumps in some areas so that you can clear longer gaps with your jump and spin combo. There will be some glitchy windows with weird-looking red energy that you should avoid. Find BUMP icons so that you can activate them with the B button to be sent flying in the direction they’re pointing. And once you find gears that can change the stuff on the screen, well, that’s when things will start to get trickier!
MainFrames is a charming 2D platformer set within the windows and desktop of a PC monitor. You’ll be taking on the role of Floppy, a program that wants to find its place in this digital world. One day, while you were chilling inside your floppy disk home, the world around you started to shrink. It seems that the window that contained you was minimized, which sends you flying into the desktop! You must now find a way to explore all areas and find a purpose in your new life.
There are 7 levels for you to explore and a main hub area that connects them, so you’re looking at around 4-5 hours to complete this one, depending on your skill level. The game offers some accessibility options so that gamers of all skill levels can take it for a spin. These include changing the game’s speed, having no text animations, or adding invincibility, infinite jumps, or infinite spins. MainFrames is out on Nintendo Switch with a $12.99 price tag.
This MainFrames review is based on a Nintendo Switch copy provided by The Arcade Crew.