Path Of Exile 2: How To Find A Use For The Relic In Act 2

One of the side quests that appears in Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 is called “Ancient Vows.” This quest only pops up once you find one half of an ancient Relic. Unfortunately, the quest doesn’t offer anything else in the way of information aside from telling you to find another Relic to place on an altar.

If you’ve been scratching your head trying to complete this quest and find the other half of the Relic in PoE 2, don’t worry any further. We have you covered with the guide below.

How to find find a use for the Relic in Path of Exile 2

To fully complete the Ancient Vows quest, you need to find two separate halves of a Relic. Once you have the two halves, you need to place them both in an altar located in the Valley of the Titans region in Act 2.

The altar where you place the Relics in the Valley of the Titans
The altar where you place the Relics in the Valley of the Titans

You can place one half of the Relic on the altar before you have the other half. This is something many players do while completing the “A Crown of Stone” quest, which takes you to the region to help recreate the Horn of the Vastiri.

Of course, you can also retrieve both Relic halves and go to the Valley of the Titans with both to make things a little faster. You can see the locations of both Relic halves below:

  • Kabala Clan Relic (Left half) – Located in Keth
  • Sun Clan Relic (Right half) – Located in the Bone Pits
The Kabala Clan Relic drops in Keth
The Kabala Clan Relic drops in Keth

Contrary to popular belief, the Mastodon Badlands does not drop one half of the Relic. Instead, Keth and the Bone Pits are where you need to go.

In either region, the Relic halves are a random drop from enemies and bosses. This means it could take you no time at all to find the half or a couple of hours of farming the same enemies over and over again. Most players have reported they were able to get the Relic to drop after no more than an hour, but your experience may vary.

When the Relics drop, they will be highlighted in green text on the ground. Make sure you’re staying vigilant for the drops, as you don’t want to miss out on one and have to completely restart the farming process from scratch.

How to place the Relics on the altar

Once you have both halves of the Relic, travel to the Valley of the Titans, which has level 26 enemies. As all maps are randomized in PoE 2, we can’t tell you exactly where the altar is located.

The Valley of the Titans region
The Valley of the Titans region
The Valley of the Titans region

All we can offer is that it’s up a high staircase and directly underneath a clay statue of a man looking down. At the altar, simply follow the prompts to place both Relics in their respective halves.

If you have already placed one Relic on the altar before finding the second half, you’ll have to interact with the altar differently. To bring up the interface to place the Relic in the altar, hold “Alt” on keyboard or hold your left joystick on controller. This highlights the altar and allows you to click it to show the interface. Make sure you’re hovering over the altar when you hold your device’s button.

After both Relic halves are in the altar, you’ll be able to complete the Ancient Vows quest. By placing both Relics, you can pick between two permanent buffs that will apply to your character:

  • 15% Mana Recovery from Flasks
  • 30% Increased Charm Charges Gained

You’re able to swap between either buff at any point by revisiting the altar, so you’re not making a permanent decision.

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