Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Announce Flying Mass Outbreak Event


  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will have a Flying Mass Outbreak event from February 6 through 9.
  • The featured Pokemon are Fletchling, Starly, and Pikipek.
  • Each Pokemon has an increased chance of being a Shiny variant.
  • The Starly and Pikipek outbreaks require The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announced a Flying Mass Outbreak event that will take place during the first full week of February. This mass outbreak will give Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players a chance to catch scores of Fletchling, Starly, and Pikipek, and each bird Pokemon has a heightened Shiny encounter chance.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet host periodic in-game events, giving players different ways to add more critters to their collections. One of these events is the Mass Outbreak, which sees swarms of Pokemon congregate at various locations throughout a given region. Some of these Pokemon have unique characteristics, such as a rare marking, or an increased chance for a Shiny variant to appear. In a previous Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mass Outbreak, the serpentine creatures Ekans, Seviper, and Silicobra were featured to celebrate the real-world Year of the Snake. Each snake Pokemon had an increased chance to be Shiny when battled.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Announce Special Distribution Event, But There’s A Catch

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet reveal a limited-time distribution event that will grant specific players a fan-favorite critter for their collections.

Two weeks after Pokemon Scarlet and Violet hosted a Paradox Tera Raid event, trainers will have a chance to catch some Flying types. According to Serebii.net, the Flying Mass Outbreak event will start on Thursday, February 6, at 7:00 PM Eastern, and end on Sunday, February 9, at 6:59 PM Eastern. Ergo, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers will have just one weekend to catch as many Fletchling, Starly, and Pikipek as they want. It is unknown if this Mass Outbreak event will get a repeat run at a later date. Fletchling outbreaks will appear in the Paldea region, Starly flocks will be in the land of Kitakami, and Pikipek clusters will gather throughout the Blueberry Academy’s Terrarium.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Flying-Type Mass Outbreak Details (February 2025)

Both Starly and Pikipek will require access to The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC. The levels of each Mass Outbreak will vary, depending on how much story progress that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players have made, with a cap in the level 60 range. Each Pokemon featured in the Flying Mass Outbreak event can evolve twice via leveling, with Talonflame, Staraptor, and Toucannon respectively being their final forms.

Additionally, the Mass Outbreaks will have an enhanced chance for Starly, Fletchling, and Pikipek to be Shiny when encountered. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can craft Flying-type Sparkling Power Sandwiches to boost the Shiny Encounter rate of Flying Pokemon before heading into a Mass Outbreak. Crafting a Flying-type Sparkling Power Sandwich requires a Salty and a Spicy Herba Mystica, and one Prosciutto.

Following the Flying Mass Outbreak, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will host a Five-Star Milcery Tera Raid for players to participate in. All in all, a busy time awaits Pokemon fans ahead of the 2025 Pokemon Day festivities.

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