Spider-Man 2 Fans Have Already Given Miles His Fade Back


  • Spider-Man 2 just launched on Steam and there are already a ton of mods.
  • Fans have taken it upon themselves to replace Miles’ divisive new haircut with his fade from Miles Morales.
  • The mod still has a few issues, but the haircut clearly annoyed enough players so I’m sure they won’t mind.

Spider-Man 2 hasn’t even been out on Steam for a week and fans have already put together a mod that gives Miles his iconic fade from Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Considering how often Spider-Man refers to himself as a “friendly” neighbourhood superhero, you’d be surprised at just how much discourse Marvel’s Spider-Man players have been involved with over the years. There’s been puddlegate, Peter Parker’s face changing between the first and second game, all the drama with pretty much every suit… the list goes on.


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One of the biggest controversies surrounding Spider-Man 2 was how it changed Miles’ haircut from Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Miles was sporting a very clean fade in that game, but for the sequel he was given a high-top dreadlock fade, which many called out for being a generic and stereotypical design for the character.

Spider-Man Modders Have Already Given Miles His Fade Back

A mod for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that gives Miles his Miles Morales haircut.
Mod: CarlosRPG5555

Controversy aside, many fans simply thought that Miles looked a lot better in Spider-Man: Miles Morales than he did in its successor with many pointing to his new haircut as the reason why. Well, Spider-Man 2’s release on Steam last week has given players the chance to take Spider-Man’s trim into their own hands, just like they did with Peter Parker’s face.

Over on Nexus Mods, creator CarlosRPG5555 shared a mod that gets rid of Miles’ room-splitting dreadlocks and replaces them with his clean fade from his spin-off game. As you can see from the mod’s page, it pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin and basically makes Miles look like he did before Spider-Man 2.

I know most Spider-Man fans don’t agree with me, but I actually liked Miles’ haircut in Spider-Man 2. It wasn’t as clean as the Miles Morales one, but it’s a good look for him. At least we all know that the first game had his worst look.

It’s worth noting that as of the time of writing, some users have reported some minor issues with Miles’ neck clipping through his suit, which could suggest CarlosRPG5555 ported Miles’ head from MM straight over to Spider-Man 2. It seems that the creator is aware of this issue and aims to fix it in later updates, so anyone wanting Miles’ fade might want to hang on a little bit.


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