Suikoden 2 Spoiler-Free Recruitment Guide: All Missable Character Locations

Suikoden 2 has you recruiting 108 characters known as the Stars of Destiny to aid you in your battle against the Kingdom of Highland. Unfortunately, many of these are missable, and the game can be very unforgiving regarding recruitment. Fortunately, you can follow our spoiler-free guide below to ensure you obtain all the characters in the game at the earliest opportunity.

How does recruitment work in Suikoden 2?

Unlike in the original game, many characters in Suikoden 2 require you to perform a short side quest to recruit them. That makes it a bit tougher to fill the entire roster. The guide below places the characters in the order you can earliest recruit them. You’ll also find alternate recruitment requirements for those who have them.

Spoiler-free Suikoden 2 recruitment walkthrough

Below, you can find a list of all missable Suikoden 2 characters and a few optional ones that don’t count toward the 108 Stars of Destiny:

  1. Riou: He’s the main character!
  2. Mukumuku: Find the large tree north of Riou’s home in Kyaro and examine it.
    • Alternate: If you don’t recruit Mukumuku in Kyaro you’ll need to walk on the road between Two River and Greenhill until he randomly joins your party during battle.
  3. Nanami: Joins during the story.
  4. Gengen: Joins during the story.
  5. Zamza: Put Nanami in your party and speak with him at Toto Inn.
    • Alternate: You can find him at South Window Inn later in the game.
  6. Rikimaru: Find him in Ryube and pay for his 3,000 Potch tab.
    • Alternate: If you miss him at Ryube, you can find him in the same situation in Coronet later in the game.
  7. Millie: Talk to her in Ryube and fight Bonaparte in Ryube Forest.
  8. Kinnison: When passing through Ryube Forest, choose to put the baby bird back in its nest. Leave the screen and return later to find Kinnison and Shiro to recruit them.
  9. Shiro: See #8.
  10. Hanna: Speak to Hanna after Toto is destroyed and choose to fight together.
  11. Tsai: Joins during the story.
  12. Tuta: You can recruit Tuta early by speaking to him at Dr. Huan’s house in Muse after leaving the White Deer Inn. Otherwise, he’ll join automatically when you get your HQ.
  13. Anita: Talk to her in Muse Tavern after meeting Anabelle. She’ll ask you to get a refill of her wine, which you can do by speaking to Leona. Then, exit Muse to the world map and return. She’ll then say that a female swordsman is rare. Reply, “But I’ve never seen one so beautiful,” then leave to the world map and return. She’ll then ask you for Antitoxin. Say okay, leave and return, and respond with the first or second option to recruit her.
    • Alternate: If you don’t recruit Anita at Muse, you can find her at the Tavern at Banner Village. Here you can either follow the same sequence as above or skip it by speaking to her with Valeria in your party.
  14. Templeton: When you get the mission to spy at the Highland Camp, head to the Mercenary Fortress and speak with him. After that, he’ll move to Toto, and you can talk to him there to recruit him.
  15. Gilbert: You’ll fight him in the third army battle where you defend Muse City. If you do one damage to him, he’ll defect and join your side.
  16. Ellie: Joins during the story.
  17. Rina: Joins during the story.
  18. Bolgan: Joins during the story.
  19. Viktor: Joins during the story.
  20. Flik: Joins during the story.
  21. Freed Y: Joins during the story.
  22. Apple: Joins during the story.
  23. Leona: Joins during the story.
  24. Oulan: After unlocking the HQ make a party of all girls. Head to Kuskus and go down the stairs to the left of the entrance. She’ll inform the party that a gang that attacks only women have been plaguing the area. Leave the area and return. Head to the left and cross the bridge and some men will attack the party and knock them out. When the group awakens, Oulan will show up and help fight off the gang. After this, you can ask her to join.
  25. Shu: Joins during the story.
  26. Huan: Joins during the story.
  27. Luc: Joins during the story.
  28. Barbara: Joins during the story.
  29. Tai Ho: Speak with him at the Kuskus docks and play Chinchirorin with him. You have to win 5,000 Potch from him in a game to recruit him and his brother Yam Koo.
  30. Yam Koo: See #29.
  31. Yoshino: Add Freed Y to your party and head to Radat. Yoshino is in the house in the southeast part of town.
  32. Richmond: Play the coin game with Richmond in Radat and lose. Afterward, speak with a man in the tavern who will give you a coin you can use to win. After winning the game, Richmond will join the team.
  33. Amada: Fight him in single combat in Radat to recruit him.
  34. Clive: After seeing the scene between Clive and Elza, he’ll show up at South Window. Take your boat to the world map and head to South Window to recruit him.
  35. Alex: Both Alex and Hilda can be recruited on the second floor of the South Window Inn.
  36. Hilda: See #35.
  37. Adlai: Obtain a Wooden Shield, a Wind Rune, and a Sacrificial Jizo and head to South Window. You can find Adlai in a house to the north. Give him the Wooden Shield and Sacrificial Jizo, then choose to throw the Wind Rune at him, and he’ll join you.
  38. Taki: Speak to Taki in Lakewest to recruit her.
  39. Hans: You can talk to Hans in Two River on the second floor of New Leaf Inn to recruit him. However, if you ask him for money, it’ll take a while before he shows up at your HQ.
  40. Fitcher: Joins during the story.
  41. Ridley: Joins during the story.
  42. Chaco: Joins during the story.
  43. Tetsu: Go to Two River and visit the Kobold District and buy some Fried Tacos. Then, go to Lakewest and use the Fried Tacos to make Riou toasty. You can then speak to Tetsu in the middle house in the north of the village to recruit him.
  44. Hai Yo: You’ll find him on the second floor of the HQ.
  45. Stallion: Race him in Radat and win to recruit him. If you lose you’ll need to leave the area and fight a few battles before he’ll let you rechallenge him.
  46. Shilo: Head to the Lakewest Inn and win 5,000 Potch from him in a game of Chinchirorin to recruit him.
  47. Gabocha: Add Gengen to your party and visit Gabocha in the tent in the Kobold District of Two Rivers to recruit him.
  48. Sid: Put Chaco in your party and head to the Two River sewers. You’ll need to go down the first ladder, then head left beneath the waterfall to find Sid. Speak to him and he’ll join.
  49. Meg: Speak to Meg at the Muse-Greenhill Border to recruit her and Gadget.
  50. Gadget: See #49.
  51. Tony: Speak with Tony at the chief’s house in Forest Village to recruit him.
  52. Wakaba: Once Riou hits level 30 you can speak with Wakaba near the armory in Forest Village to recruit her.
  53. Hix: Go to Lakewest and speak with Hix and Tengaar. You’ll need to follow them to the Kobold Village where you’ll get a quest to gather items from several locations. After the quest is over, Hix and Tengaar join up.
  54. Tengaar: See #53.
  55. Emilia: You’ll enroll in New Leaf Academy in Greenhill and Emilia will give you a tour. Speak to her afterward and tell her the truth to recruit her.
  56. Jeane: Visit her in the Two River Rune Shop to recruit her.
  57. Yuzu: Assist her in finding her lost sheep in Kobold Village, and she’ll join.
  58. Teresa: Joins during the story.
  59. Shin: Joins during the story.
  60. Nina: Joins during the story.
  61. Viki: You’ll meet her on the path to Matilda. Invite her to the HQ to recruit her.
  62. Humphrey: Go to Highway Village and speak with him. He’ll send you on a side quest, and afterward, both he and Futch will join.
  63. Futch: See #62.
  64. Miklotov: Joins during the story.
  65. Camus: Joins during the story.
  66. Kiba: Joins during the story.
  67. Klaus: Joins during the story.
  68. Simone: Buy the Rose Brooch at Banner Village and go to the dock in Radat. You can give Simone the brooch there and he’ll join.
  69. Lebrante: To recruit Lebrante, bring a Celedon Urn with you to his Appraiser Shop in Radat.
  70. Valeria or Kasumi: You get a choice between these two during the story. If you choose Kasumi, you can recruit some characters earlier (and this is the order we’ll be following).
  71. Sheena: Joins during the story.
  72. Lorelai: Speak to Lorelai in Gregminster, and she’ll join.
  73. Gordon: Speak to him at the Gregminster Trading Post, and he’ll challenge you to earn 50,000 Potch from trading. This counts your total throughout the game, so you may have already sold this much already. Return to Gordon whenever you hit this point, and he’ll join you.
  74. Mondo: Bring Kasumi to Rokkaku by heading to the area past the ladders in Banner Pass and going south. If you chose Valeria instead of Kasumi, you’ll have to wait to recruit Mondo and Susuke until you unlock the level 4 HQ.
  75. Sasuke: See #74.
  76. Badeaux: Bring Shiro or Mukumulu to the Forest Path to Matilda and speak with him. He’ll give you Listening Crystals and join your group.
  77. Connell: Make sure a Sound Set is in your inventory and speak to Connell at Forest Village to recruit him.
  78. Feather: After getting the Listening Crystals, head to Forest Village and help Ayda save Feather. You can then use a crystal to recruit both of them.
  79. Ayda: See #78.
  80. Sigfried: After getting a Listening Crystal from Badeaux add a “maiden” to your party (Nanami is an example) and go to the end of Unicorn Woods. You can head up the tree there and use a Listening Crystal to recruit Sigfried.
  81. Bob: After recruiting 80 characters talk to Bob in the Two River Kobold District.
  82. Tomo: When Tsai asks you to take him to Ryube and get his tools you can take him to his house to recruit Tomo.
  83. Max: After defeating a major foe you can recruit Max by just heading to South Window.
  84. Annallee: Head to the South Window Inn and follow her after speaking with her to recruit her.
  85. Killey: Go to the South Window Trading Post and speak with Killey. Tell him Alex knows about the Sindar Ruins and then head to your HQ to see a sceen between them. After that, go back to South Window and talk to him again to recruit him.
  86. Hoi: Speak to Hoi at the bar in Radat to recruit him.
  87. Karen: Go to Kuskus Inn and tell Karen you’ll dance with her. Pull off the moves right and she’ll join the group.
  88. L.C. Chan: Place Wakaba in your party and go to Crom. When you approach the Inn, L.C. Chan will run out. You can recruit him by speaking to him behind the item shop.
  89. Tenkou: Place a Window Set in your inventory and speak with Tenkou in the northeast corner of Crom to recruit him. Don’t ask him for money or you’ll miss out on an exclusive item.
  90. Raura: Go to Tinto and speak with Raura at the entrance to the mine. If you tell her Jeane is part of your group she’ll join you.
  91. Hauser: Joins during the story.
  92. Sierra: Joins during the story.
  93. Jess: Joins during the story.
  94. Gijimu: Joins during the story.
  95. Lo Wen: Joins during the story.
  96. Koyu: Joins during the story.
  97. Marlowe: Joins during the story.
  98. Kahn: Joins during the story.
  99. Georg: He’ll join your group when you talk to him at the Drakemouth-Tigermouth Pass.
  100. Gantetsu: If you speak to him at South Window he’ll challenge you. Win, and he’ll join.
  101. Tessai: Put Viktor in your party and speak with Tessai at Kuskus to recruit them.
  102. Pico: Go to the Greenhill Inn and tell Pico that Annallee is a member of your group to recruit him.
  103. Jude: Go to Greenhill Academy and speak with Jude. He’ll say that he’s out of clay. To find some, go ot Forest Village and take the path between the Trading Post and another building. You’ll soon find a man who will give you some clay you can take back to Jude to recruit him.
  104. Alberto: Once you hve Pico, go to Tinto and speak with Alberto. Tell him Annalle and Pico are part of your group and he’ll join.
  105. Mazus: Go to the Tinto Mine save point and speak wtih Mazus to recruit him.
  106. Vincent: Place Simone in your party and speak with Vincent at the Radat dock and he’ll join you.
  107. Pesmerga: Go to the area in the Cave of the Wind where the boss battle against the Star Dragon Sword occured. You can talk to Pesmerga there to recruit him.
  108. Genshu: Level anyone’s weapon to level 14 and take them to the Coronet dock. Speak to Genshu there and he’ll join the team.

Optional Characters

  • Abizboah: If you didn’t recruit Sigfried, then Abizboah will be the alternate #80 recruit. You can find them by going to the watery area in Tinto Mine after defeating a particular fanged enemy and using a Listening Crystal to recruit them.
  • Boris: If you run away in Tinto, Ridley will die before they can join your party. If this is the case, Boris will be your alternate #41, and he’ll be waiting for you at HQ.

The squirrels

  • Makumaku: After recruiting Mukumuku, walk the road between Two River and Greenhill with at least one party slot open, and Makumaku will eventually join you during a random battle.
  • Mikumiku: After recruiting Makumaku, you’ll need to walk the road between Greenhill and the Forest Path with at least one party slot open, and Mikumiku will eventually join you during a random battle.
  • Mekumeku: After recruiting Mikumiku, you’ll need to walk the road between Greenhill and the Forest Path with at least one party slot open. Mekumeku will eventually join you during a random battle.
  • Mokumoku: After recruiting Mekumeku walk around the area south of the Forest Village with at least one slot open. Mokumoku will eventually join your party during a random battle.

Tir McDohl

If you load completed save data from the original Suikoden you can visit Banner Village after fighting a particular foe to start a side quest to recruit Tir McDohl. However, he won’t permanently join you. If he is removed from the party you must head to his house in Grenminster to add him to the party again.


  • Rulodia: After you recruit Abizboah you can return to the spot where you recruited him to find Rulodia. You can spend a Listening Crystal to recruit her, but it’s highly recommended you save it for a Star of Destiny.
  • Chuchara: If you recruit Abizboah and Rulodia you can find Chuchara at the HQ docks.

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