Treyarch Adds Spawn Protection To Black Ops 6 Hardcore


  • Despite the current fan sentiment around Black Ops 6, Treyarch is routinely making in-game adjustments to help players.
  • In the latest case, “Spawn Protection” has now been added to Hardcore modes via the January 31 patch.
  • WIth “Spawn Protection,” players should have a few seconds of immunity post-spawn so that they don’t get eliminated right away.

While many have begun to sour on Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 since its launch in October, whether it’s because of the alleged use of Generative AI or because of the mass amount of cosmetics, if there is one thing Treyarch has done so far, it’s address in-game issues.


Players Are Already Turning Against Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6

What began as a fan favourite entry has quickly soured into something sad and corporate.

Since launch, Care Packages were adjusted to prevent repeat rewards, while a “Challenge Tracker” was added to multiplayer to make the camo grind a little bit more palatable. That’s on top of the work done to prevent cheaters from infiltrating the game, along with the recently introduced function of turning off crossplay.

In the most recent example of sizable changes, “Spawn Protection” is now being added to Hardcore modes via the January 31 patch.

Give Me A Minute To Breathe

For the uninitiated, Hardcore mode in Call of Duty is a more “realistic” version of the first-person shooter. Players have significantly less health, while the HUD has been pared down. Oh, and friendly fire is on, meaning you have to be extra vigilant.

Unfortunately, since Black Ops 6’s launch, Hardcore has often been a point of contention due to the game’s number of small maps, along with fan favorite areas like Nuketown. If you could figure out the spawn point, then you could “Spawn Trap” an enemy and kill them before they even had a chance to reset.

Now, things are changing. As noted in the Jan. 31 patch notes, spawn protection has been added to the mode. In other words, players should have a few seconds of immunity before any hit points begin registering. That should help make the smaller maps a lot more palatable. Of course, there is the chance that someone on the other side will be frustrated when their hit points don’t register right away, but the alternative of a lopsided match isn’t all that much more appealing, either.


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